Welsh Medium Education Scandal Evidence
English speaking children from 2025 will no legal right to be educated through their native langauge.
Education is legal process based on proven research.
The following is researched papers.
There is an Excutive Summary in the Handout Page
New Research - The Critical Issue
A Million Welsh Speakers by 2050
No bank would invest in a company unless there a convincing business plan to prove it is possible.. There is not one. The millon Welsh speakers ambition is a hollow promise devoid of detail. This paper illustrates there is no evidence to support i.
There is no definitive evidence of how the million Welsh Speakers can be created by 2050. Professor Mc Chroist of Cardiff School of Welsh who is a Welsh speaking authority on language planning says it is impossible to ressurect a langauage. Hywel Jones a statistician who was on the Welsh Language Board says it is impossible to create a million Welsh speakers.
English Medium Education
This paper raises concerns about the time devoted to learning Welsh in Welsh in English Medium Schools. It has not intrinsic value. If children a tuaght a subject through the medium of Welsh it is a Welsh Lesson.
The Treason of the Blue Books Myth
This demonstratest the Treason of the Blue Books is a myth in 1847 is a myth. Plaid Cymru want to undo the treason by forcing all English speaking chidren to learn through the medium of Weslh. The real treason of the Blue Books was because children were not educated through the native language.
This what Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Language Society want to impose on all English speakers in Wales.
The Welsh Language Society Demands 2
Tis paper reviews the demands of the Welsh Language from a different perspective. It illustrates that they want English-speaking children to be treated like immigrants in Wales. The proposals meet the criteria of language apatheried.
Executive Summary
1st Submission School Summer Holidays
This is Howard first submission on the proposal to shortened the school holiday.
2nd Submission School Summer Holidays
This is Howards second submission on the proposal to shortened the school holiday where critical new evidence was established. Children loose a proportion of what they learn every school week. The evidence is the school summer loss could be quickly recovered.
3rd Submission School Summer Holidays
This is Howards third submission where he had read Professor Lee Major, who had no legal teaching qualifications, he admitted social science was inexact science, he refers to school holidays was feeble, and in a Spector article he did not refer to any academic improvement. It was no his world.
4th Submission School Summer Holidays
This is Howards fourth submission that refers to a cognitive social science. The effect of social media he refers to is frigthening. There are serious issue of children spending too much time on social media. They would be more inclined to use it during the out of season school holidays. Children would be more inclined to truant in the summer holidays. All children would benefit from the summer holidays. Responsible parents would have the opportunity to have family holidays in a more restricted time. They would have dilemma.
This an Executive Summary